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1 – 👀 Interested in computer network and security

2 – 📝 Currently Security+ in progress

3 – ❤️‍🔥 Looking for Security Analyst/IT Specialist

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  • Implementing SSH Key-Based Authentication for Linux VM Communication

    Introduction In this blog post, we’ll guide you through setting up SSH key-based authentication between two Linux virtual machines (VMs). This secure and efficient method allows you to connect to your VMs without the need for passwords, enhancing both security and convenience. We’ll be using two VMs in this example: Things we need Step 1:…

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  • Active Directory Home Lab

    Purpose of the Home Lab The Active Directory Home Lab provides enthusiasts and professionals with a platform to gain hands-on experience in deploying, configuring, and managing Active Directory services in a controlled environment. By simulating real-world scenarios, users can enhance their skills in network administration, security, and system integration. What I did in this lab…

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  • Port Scanning Analysis with Banner Grabbing

    Banner grabbing is like reading a welcome sign when connecting to a computer. It tells us what services, like a website or server, are running and their versions. Port analysis is like checking which entry points, or ports, are open on a computer. This helps us understand and secure the network by identifying potential vulnerabilities.…

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