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1 – 👀 Interested in computer network and security

2 – 📝 Currently Security+ in progress

3 – ❤️‍🔥 Looking for Security Analyst/IT Specialist

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  • What is AWS EC2?

    If you’re interested in cloud computing, you probably heard about AWS EC2. What AWS EC2 stands for and what kind of thing you can do with it? What is EC2? EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud and is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services. EC2 offers a highly flexible and scalable cloud computing…

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  • How to setup AWS Budgets using simplified templates

    In this posting, you will be creating AWS Budgets with templates. 2. Create a new budget 3-1. Creating a zero spend budget 3-2. Creating a monthly cost budget Now your budgets have been created!

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